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These resources have been developed by the Anglican Futures Team

- most represent the write-up of Anglican Futures Events.

Please feel free to download them by clicking on the PDF symbol for use in your church and more widely if you feel it would be helpful - but please acknowledge the source.

Subscribe to our mailing list for our latest news, thoughts and analysis.

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A taste of the conversation

Ministry in Deprived Communities
Funding Advert_edited_edited.jpg

Is it sustainable?

Funding the Future

How do we contend?

Living in Love and Faith

Creating new

(and perhaps better) traditions

Covid Christmas

Ideas for getting outside our buildings

Outside the Box
Children Playing

Building relationships and supporting parents

Youth and

Avoiding burnout in difficult times

Rest: The Source of Godly Resilience
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A practical and theologically rich resource

Anxiety & Depression
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Help is at Hand

101+ ideas 

Exhausted by Easter?

How do we use this time for good?

Lockdown Learning
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What might church 'look like' in 20 years time?

Phygital Futures

A basic guide to using Zoom

Building Church using Zoom

Anglican Futures

Office 7, 20 Lostwithiel Street, Fowey, PL23 1BE 

Tel: 07851 596888

Registered Charity in England and Wales (1192663)

© 2020 by Anglican Futures with

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